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Health and classical music

by 크루즈69 2024. 3. 25.




Spring seems to be a season that makes us all excited and excited regardless of age.

The time has come when we all listen to the sound of spring.

It is surprising and strange that as we get older and the year goes by, the desire to praise the "Creativist Spring" grows even more. Is it an attachment to life

I started to listen to classical music often at some point.

Among the compositions of many masters, the four seasons were used as many themes. Among them, the most popular song is the one that praised spring.

As I looked for something that made me feel comfortable and healthy, I thought classical music would be better, so I endured the awkwardness and forced myself to listen to classical music.

After finishing cancer treatment, I think I tried to keep my mind changed and something more comfortable.

It is shameful for someone who did not know exactly the names of great people such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederic Chopin, etc. to mention classical music.

However, since I am learning the effects with my body, I think I might dare to talk about it.

Like all genres of music, music is a very important factor for mankind as it makes people feel high endorphins and psychological stability, and there is music therapy.

Among them, it may not be appropriate to bring up only classical music, but I dare write down a few letters because I think classical music will have the greatest stability and effect on our human body.

First, classical music can reduce stress and improve mental and physical stability. Second, classical music can stabilize emotions and bring positive psychological effects.

Thirdly, classical music can improve the quality of sleep and relieve insomnia symptoms.

Fourth, classical music can promote brain activity and improve cognitive ability.

In addition, it improves the efficiency of exercise by inducing motivation and kinetic energy when exercising.

I write to sympathize with you because suddenly talking about music and classical music can help you know your healthy rhythm and maintain a comfortable mind.